The Declaration of World 5.0
[This declaration is the short form of the mission this book invokes. It isavailable as a video on the World 5.0 site,] We, the people of Earth, in light…
[This declaration is the short form of the mission this book invokes. It isavailable as a video on the World 5.0 site,] We, the people of Earth, in light…
We have to unfuck our culture. Rephrase – We must get past corporations and nation states. Both are archaic and we and our planet are dying. It is in our…
“World 5.0 – We Move From Here” delivers the truth about who and where we are, humans on planet Earth at this crucial moment in our history. And so we…
Now that we officially live in crazy times, where truth is abandoned at every turn by elites, politicians and media whores, it seems a good time to remind ourselves of…
We are emerging. We are finding our power. We are finding each other. We are Warriors of the Rainbow Tribe. You of elitist tendencies cannot see us. You born into…
The totality of now sounds foreign, even meaningless, to most of us. Putting the words ‘totality’ and ‘now’ together is almost incomprehensible to people all over this planet. We clearly…
Older folks will remember the Andy Griffith Show, where the Mayberry law enforcement team of Andy Griffith and Barney Fife maintained security through community policing. Okay it was TV, with a context of generally…
After generations of abuse from the world’s controllers, the global elite are losing their grip. For those paying attention, there are a host if indicators that their iron fist of control is cracking.
Sadly, among the innumerable failure and deceits of the current culture, one of the largest omissions is the recognition that from peace comes joy. The propaganda, religiosity, and belief codes…
World4 has an underlying axiom that time is a continuum, with past, present and future as the three components, all having similar validity in our lives. But this is blatantly…