Life Is Our Meaning
And is not often found in words…
So we’ve been taught, and grown up, in a culture that values money and its attendant power above all else. Why is this case instead of say, life, liberty and…
The Winter Solstice of this year, 12.21.12, is the most auspicious occasion in modern memory. No other date resonates with such ancient warnings and curious attention. No other date has…
Life is the result of two elemental forces, awareness and energy. Awareness is eternal and still, requiring nothing. It is the void; endless and dark. Energy is motion. It is…
Super AI will finally teach us we don’t need money There are four phases to the emergence of AI. The first incantation of simple artificial intelligence was what we call…
In ancient Athens, only the very wealthiest people paid direct taxes, and these went to fund the city-state’s most important national expenses – the navy and honors for the gods….