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The Three Truths

World4 has an underlying axiom that time is a continuum, with past, present and future as the three components, all having similar validity in our lives. But this is blatantly false. Our experience of reality points in different direction. Our experience suggests that we live in This Moment, a place in time we cannot leave [care to try?].

And yet this false, world4 mindset dominates our culture. Who has not heard some pundit proclaim: “The reality is if we don’t do stop terrorists, they will blow up our country.” “If-thens” are not reality, they are if-thens. Reality is Here, this moment. In a reality where so many options exist, there are bound to be any number of possibilites and probabilities. And yet the if-then assumptiveness runs rampant in world4 culture, creating as stated above, a severe level of bullshit.

The first truth is stated thus: Life Is This Moment. It consists of Eternal Awareness and this constant flux of Energy. We Live Here. Together.

Eternal Awareness is but another name for God, Life, Love, Peace, Truth, etc. They are the same. This constant flux of energy is an obvious scientific fact. As energy patterns, we share the same Earth, the same air, families and communities and of course, this lovely never-ending Life.

Energy as we know is never still.

The second truth is this: Here, of prime concern is our intent, fear or Love.

Once we get ourselves acclimated to our Hereness, we more easily recognize the power of our intent in determining our experience. We know about attitude and its effects. World5 offers the understanding that we create the quality of our experiences through our intent. We cannot keep another from anger or hate, but we can well choose our response to such unpleasantness.

The second part of this truth is that the simple choice for our intent is between fear and Love. This simplicity is lost in the world4 culture, with its distraction and manipulation. But our reality is not lessened one bit for lack of awareness. The anguish of fear, or the power of Love. Thoughts and feelings of compassion, peace, love, beauty, contentment, communion – all align with Love. Thoughts and feelings of self-importance, wretchedness, anger, hate, depression, boredom, meanness – all the result of fearfulness.

It’s worth recognizing, too, our levels of being. We are body, mind and Spirit, and while our bodies are distinct, our Spirit is One, as the term but describes Life. So while we must train ourselves to be fearless in our minds, our Spirit is already without fear. Being of Eternal Awareness, it is impossible for Spirit to experience fear.

The third truth is the most simple of all: Only Love makes us happy.

Now while some of our less aware brothers and sisters believe they are finding happiness in taking advantage or abusing another, in having more control or more possessions, in obtaining status and fame, etc. These experiences might mirror happiness, even as lust might mirror Love, but something inside us knows better. Indeed, studies show that those folks who are helpful and compassionate are far happier than those who only think of themselves. Imagine that.

Real happiness stems from finding our place Here in Life. Our Source. It is the joy found only in This Moment, the joy of being Immersed Together. The truest happiness remains near constant in spite of the dramas that this life entails. Real happiness comes from our Soul. In connecting with our true selves, we connect with all. Now that’s nice.Even enchanting!

Of course from the world4 perspective such ideas are threatening, their merits ridiculed and demonized as world4 pundits and apologists are wont to do. But it’s clear in this new age that world4 is ridiculous, and if we do not find a better path for ourselves and our peeps, we leave this Earth a far poorer place, and ourselves as well. So let’s not do that.

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